Monday, May 19, 2014

Dice Cookies: Another Geek Refreshment

Dice cookies are much easier to make than chocolate dice, but they also need certain level of craftsmanship. Follow these tutorials and bake some dice that won't roll away easily!

D20 Cookies from Nerdy Nummies

The most perfect nerd cookies around! Watch this video and learn how to make them even if you are not a professional in cooking.

Jen from Ontario made some huge cookies based on this receipt.

Biscotti D20 from Sweet & Geek

Stefania from Sweet&Geek has her own secret formula for baking dice. It is in Italian, but pictures tell more than a thousand words.

Stefania decided to imitate real sets of Chessex dice, including Vortex Dandelion, Chessex Lustrous Bronze and more.

12-Sided Die Cookie Cutter

D20 is not the only shape for edible dice. D12 is a little more complicated, but you can give it a try with help of custom 3D printed cookie cutters.They will imprint the smallest details of a die, incuding numbers, into the surface of a cookie die, and you won't have to paint them by hand.
Ate your dice by mistake?
Install free Great Dice D&D dice roller!
Get it here (Android) or here (iOS).
Just give us comments and reviews!

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